Three tips to get unstuck in life.

Anna Milne
4 min readJun 9, 2022

I am a mum to two beautiful girls and understand how it feels to be stuck. I one day asked how I became this way. This is not the mother I hoped I would be. I loved my children deeply, but it wasn’t enough. I could talk about their achievements, their grades, goals, and how they were doing, but couldn’t say anything about myself. I blended into the scenery and felt lost.

I sought out help and began to live my life, and began to realize that it was OK to do this for me. Self-care was a must. Little by little, I began to shine and my authentic self began to shine.

1-Self Care

Self-care is now the word being heard everywhere.

Books, ads, magazines. But what is it? Self-care can be defined as the practice of taking action to preserve or improve one’s health. Both are needed to live a full life.

So, what is it? It is a small daily action we do to take care of ourselves to avoid burnout as well. We want to avoid getting to the point where we are stressed and need a huge vacation. Hang out with a friend, sit and watch the sunset. There is a wonderful connection when we sit with someone.

One thing I strongly advise is to pay attention to how you speak to yourself. Do you speak lovingly to yourself? I am so fat. I am so stupid. I can’t wait to lose 10 lbs. I am an idiot. I am so clumsy. I want you to start here. Start talking to yourself with kind words. What do you like about yourself, and what are you good at?

Start there.


One thing that I consider to be gold is my journal. It’s my place where I write about what’s happening in my life, my goals, what bothers me, and who upsets me. It’s like a diary but for adults. I honestly feel (and it has been proven) that much can come from journal time. It’s taking that time for you. It’s telling yourself that you matter enough to make time for yourself. It helps to clear your emotions and gives you increased focus and increased stability.

I journal as soon as I get up in the morning, and set my alarm before anyone else is up. It’s also my time. It starts your day off in a positive way. What I found is that by setting the alarm and being intentional, I was not saying I don’t have time.

3. Experiment with something new.

I challenge you to try something new each day for a week and let me know how it goes. Seriously, try it. We can get stuck in a rut, doing the same thing every day. Wednesday is Taco Night, Friday is Pizza Night, and Tuesday is Taco Night. Work follows the same path. I challenge you to try something new each day; a new food; drive a different route to work. Sign up for a course, and attempt to speak a new language. It’s entirely up to you.7 days, and 7 new things to try.

When we are in a rut, we need to try some new things to get out of it. Think of it as the new things being the rope thrown down to get us out of the hole.

Starting tomorrow, do something new. It can be small, like a new driving route, or how you do your hair. When you go shopping, try a vegetable or fruit that you have no idea what it is. Buy it and figure out how to prepare it. You have seven days to try new things.

Then I want you to send me an email and let me know what you did, and I will share with you what I have tried.

Let’s do it in 7 days with 7 new things. Are you ready?

I thank you for being here. I want you to know you are much stronger than you think you are.

So, to summarize what you can begin doing to get yourself unstuck,

1-Self Care — Talk to yourself kindly.

2-Journal, and I will be sending out an email to help get you started.

3-Try something new each day. 7 days, 7 new things. Then email me.



Anna Milne

Anna is a Life Coach. She lives in Victoria BC with her daughter and 3 rescue cats.